
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Charm Of Seasons

There are always debates about ones favourite weather round the year. For some, it may be the monsoon and for some, it may be the chilling winters. What is yours? I love winters but only when I am indoors and well-protected from the freezing temperatures outside. I cannot enjoy the chill outside because no matter how many layers of warm clothes I wear, I can still feel the cold air running over me. What’s the point in shivering all the time and trying to give a fake smile. It would be rather better to be lost inside a thick warm blanket blocking any kind of air getting in. When morning arrives one needs to rise from the cosy bed. This is the most difficult part of the day. This transition is extremely traumatic. Rise in pollution, road accidents on account of heavy fogs, flight and train schedule delays and cancellations and last but not the least airborne diseases like cold and flu cannot be ignored. However, it is not always an unbearable feeling. The winter snow has its un...