
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Powerhouse Of Talent

The world of drama has intrigued me all my life. During my childhood, the natural channel was the school dramatics. I remember enacting Alibaba during a drama class and getting a good score for it. As soon as I thought I was good enough to get a lead role in the upcoming  play for a drama competition, I got a role of a king’s guard and there I was holding a spearheaded stick and shouting my throats out announcing that the king is arriving at the court. This was it. There were no more dialogues.The night before I couldn’t sleep thinking how I could enact that scene differently so that it could catch eyeballs. Alas, my act did not have much scope and it had to go with a flat emotionless voice.Now when I think of this incident I feel how people playing a very small role or a blink and miss role in an act must be going through. There must be a feeling of an identity crisis but if these small parts do not exist then a play cannot be complete. Drama is ultimately a collection ...

The Dynamics Of An Opponent

The most talked about 2019 Lok Sabha Elections got concluded last week and as usual, there could be only one winner! After months of giving one's blood and sweat to campaigning vigorously all across the country, if one wins the people’s mandate, then it gives such an ultimate satisfaction. On the other hand, if one equally struggles for several months battling unfavourable weather conditions thinking that one has given his or her best to echo the grievances of the people and yet loses, then it does become quite demoralising. While election pundits and political analysts and many other experts would have clear reasons to justify why someone lost or won, the fact remains that with an Indian population of one hundred and thirty-seven crores, no one can really know what runs on each and every voter’s mind while performing the clandestine act of voting through the electronic machine. Analysts would talk about the source of the election outcome until the new set of cabinet ...