The Brutal Webspace

When Sonam Kapoor shared a post written by Humans Of Hindutva on our soldiers paying the price for the grave situation created by Hindu and Islamic fundamentalists, she was severely trolled. I never could understand the entire brouhaha of a tweet which was targeting the fundamentalists of religion. People started calling her anti-national who should go to Pakistan. I mean, why are we so raged? If there are fundamentalists in Islam, why can’t we talk about the fundamentalists among Hindus? Look at the new concepts of Love Jihad, Cow Lynching, Mob Lynching. Aren’t these creating wide communal disturbances?
It is quite shameful to see the kind of language used on social media platforms. Everyone has their opinion and their point of view. If one does not agree to a person’s point of view, constructive feedback from them would be acceptable rather than making it a personal affair. The basic discipline should be to behave like educated people.

Sonam has received all kinds of obnoxious comments and many of them talking about her career, questioning her character and how one should boycott her movies. As if the tension on our national borders is not enough, we create innumerable disputes among our own people. The digital space has become one such place of mutinies. This place with anonymous personalities breeds on unsolicited comments and advice. It is extremely appalling to see anyone and everyone giving character certificates to others as if they had the right to do so. Who is qualified to give a character certificate to anyone?

The whole environment is so shameful that a sane person would opt to be out of this circuit.
In my opinion, Sonam is brave enough to voice her views honestly on digital space. She seems to have become extremely tolerant by not reacting to the extremely harsh comments on her tweets.

To add to her dismay, none of the famous celebrities come out in support of her. Probably for the fear that they may be trolled or would be questioned for their decision to support her. People are so brutal with comments that even if one says something nice and peaceful, they are attacked for some ulterior motives.

So, celebrities love being diplomatic and silent on critical issues happening in our country. When you have millions of followers on a social platform, you have such a wide reach, your opinions could influence or contribute to a change. It’s not just for your film promotions and getting a wide appreciation for your looks or your upcoming movies. It’s easy to remain safe and silent to face no criticism and then swell with pride that you have twenty or over thirty million followers. For what? To look at your gowns and magazine cover photos? Charity begins at home and in this case, the celebrities are enemies among themselves. They draw sadistic pleasures from their counterparts being trolled or slammed on social media platforms.

The best part is that such trolls and wars are short-lived and are forgotten with time. However, it creates nightmares for victims causing mental trauma.

As an individual, we can stop behaving like enemies. There is no harm in appreciating others or drawing inspiration from others. Such actions do not belittle you but it makes you a positive person. Tomorrow you could inspire someone else to follow the same path.
Let us embrace peace and not a war. This is the most sensible option on the digital territory.


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